Rethink Your Beverages

It is easy to consume too many added sugars which in turn can lead to health problems. Sugary drinks are the leading source of added sugars in our diets. What categorizes a sugary drink? Any beverage sugar sweetened such as sodas, fruit drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, coffee, teas and certain sweetened waters. Individuals who consume sugary drinks are more likely to face weight gain, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, tooth decay etc. 

Here are a few tips to rethink your beverages. Choose water first (sparkling, tap or bottled). 

Lacking Flavor: Add fresh fruit like lime, cucumbers or fresh berries.

I need Bubbles: Try anyone of these for guilt free fizziness: Vita Coco Sparkling, Sipp Infusions Organic, LaCroix, Bubbly Sparkling Water, Izze, Sparkling ICE. 

Break the Cycle: Stop stocking up on sugary drinks. Instead keep a jug of water to sip on throughout the day.

It is not just water: Aim for drinks that contain important nutrients such as low-fat milk, or 100% fruit/vegetable juices.

Coffee?: Avoid flavored syrups or creams. Ask for fat free alternatives or milk alternatives like soy, almond, coconut. Or bring black coffee back into trend!


Drink (12-ounce serving) Teaspoons of Sugar Calories

Tap or Bottled Water 0 teaspoons 0

Unsweetened Tea 0 teaspoons 0

Sports Drinks 2 teaspoons 75

Lemonade 6 ¼  teaspoons 105

Sweet Tea 8 ½ teaspoons 120

Cola 10 ¼ teaspoons 150

Fruit Punch 11 ½ teaspoons 195

Root Beer 11 ½ teaspoons 170

Orange Soda 13 teaspoons 210

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