Cold & Flu Season: Chiropractic Care

Cold and flu season is approaching. Headaches, chills, fever and all over body aches, but how can we avoid it?

What are the symptoms of flu?

– Flu viruses can cause mild to severe illness
– Flu Is Different from a cold
– Fever or chills
– Cough/sore throat
– Runny or stuffy nose
– Muscle/ body aches/headaches
– Fatigue (tiredness)
– Vomiting and diarrhea

We know that eating healthy and exercising regularly while also getting adequate rest and staying hydrated are key factors in staying healthy all year long, but did you know that chiropractic care is important as well? Chiropractic adjustments and care can help us avoid the flu and common cold by creating a safeguard and allowing your lymphatic system to work optimally.

Lymphatic progress

The lymphatic system is made up of a system of ducts and lymph nodes that filter viruses, bacteria and other substances that may be harmful through a clear fluid called lymph. This system functions as the body’s drainage system. In fact, the lymphatic system is one of the first things your doctor checks for when you are discussing your health regarding cold and flu systems. This check includes feeling under your jaw. Your doctor is searching for swollen glands which are enlarged lymph nodes. This indicates to your doctor that your lymphatic system is trying to rid your body of an infection or imbalance.

Chiropractic and the Lymphatic system

A chiropractic adjustment allows the neck and back to be put back into proper alignment, helping to alleviate pressure on congested lymph ducts and allowing free flow to aid against colds, flus and other illnesses. Chiropractors use expert level training to correct subluxations with spinal adjustments. Giving our patients strong nerve flow this allows our patients to be better equipped to fight any potential cold and flu viruses.

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